LES School Counselor named as PSSCA School Counselor of the Year!
Lexington Elementary School's very own School Counselor was selected as the 2017 Palmetto State School Counselor of the Year!
Michelle earned her Master’s of Education in Educational Psychology from
the University of South Carolina and has been a school counselor for 23 years. Her
previous elementary school was acknowledged by the American School Counselor
Association for achieving the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) award at
the elementary school level in 2009. She received National Board Certification in
2004 and again in 2013. Throughout her career she has received several grants
and mini-grants from the Youth Action Advisory Council, the South Carolina
Middle School Association, as well as through her district. She has served on
several PSSCA board positions and presented at PSSCA and ASCA conferences.
She was a member of her district’s caring communities committee, the district
school counselor technology committee, her school’s School Improvement
Council, and is the author of The Creative Counselor Blog.
A parent stated, “By meeting with my child on a regular basis, her confidence
increased and we started to see a positive change. She taught her how to handle
issues in school, which has been valuable in her life. I am very grateful to her!”
This nominee believes, “that throughout my career, regardless of the school
setting, I have advocated for my school counseling program, promoting its impact
on students, and how it makes a difference in their successes. Advocacy is an
integral part of a school counseling program as it educates administrators,
teachers, parents, and the community about the value of school counselors’ work,
programs, and impact on student achievement. It is important that we
continuously advocate for our roles, not only in our schools, but at state and
national levels as well.”
Congratulations to PSSCA’s Elementary School Counselor of
the Year Award Winner – Michelle Privette!!