Lexington Leaders Program
We are very excited to announce we are ready to begin our new Lexington Leaders Program. Students in grades 2-5 have the opportunity to apply for a leadership position, providing service to others in our school. The opportunities available are:
Kindergarten Book Buddies Must be in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th A kindergarten helper would be someone who is enthusiastic about reading, encourages kindergarteners to use reading strategies (picture power, snap word power, sound power) to figure out an unknown word, will talk about books/characters/plot & enjoys helping others. 7:00-7:30 One day per week before school.
RTI Readers Must be in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th A RTI reader is someone who encourages reading by being someone students can read to. This student will meet with younger students and listen to them read a book. They will encourage the reader to use reading strategies to figure out an unknown word and enjoy helping others while listening to their reading. 7:00-7:30 One day per week before school. 5th graders can also choose to volunteer during recess once per week.
Hughey’s Helpers Must be in 3rd, 4th, or 5th Hughey’s Helpers would work in Mrs. Hughey’s classroom with students who have special learning needs. They would read books with individual students, practice simple academics like flashcards for letters and numbers, helping them learn turn-taking skills by playing some simple games, and just being a friend. They would be a positive peer role model. One day per week during recess.
PSA Pals Must be in 4th, or 5th Students will create 3 Public Service Announcements (commercials) about how to deal with difficult things in an ok-way. These Coping Skills Commercials will be aired on the LES News Show. Students will meet during lunch & recess for 1 week for each commercial. These students will also meet 1 week in January to plan Kindness Week activities. Lunch & Recess; 4 weeks through-out the year
Teachers have applications for those 2nd-5th grade students who are interested. Applications are due to School Counselors by next Tuesday, 11/26.