Making a difference one Guy at a “Tie”m!
Guys with Ties Mentoring Program
I’m just sayin...These Guys with Ties just might be Heroes in disguise!
Our Guys with Ties Mentoring Program.
Student Council Working Hard!
The top picture is our LES Student Council Executive Board 1st time running a meeting. Pictured in the middle is our co-president Ray...
Swearing in of LES Student Council
So proud of our LES Student Council! They were sworn in at the Lexington Town Council meeting by Councilman Ron Williams.
Setting Goals in Second Grade
Goal setting is important at any age! 2nd graders worked on making goals and steps to reach their goal.
Guys with Ties Mentoring about to Kick Off!
These awesome guys have volunteered to mentor! We are kicking off our Guys with Ties Program next week!
Managing Monster Manners
Kindergartners learned about monster manners and how to make good choices.