Jul 31: Wii are thankful for your support!
DONORS CHOOSE project: Wii Talk-Wii Motivate!
Thanks to the generous donations of Debra Adams, Jerry Rich, Ron Williams, and matching donations from DonorsChoose.org., our project was funded!
We want to incorporate a Wii into the school counseling program to provide students with a fun, interactive, engaging strategy to overcome social/emotional problems. Consider the "typical" counseling session of sitting & talking. Imagine how engaged children are in that type of counseling – It can be quite intimidating! Now imagine playing a game of bowling on the Wii. Children immediately are engaged & find it easier to talk while playing; versus sitting & talking to an adult. The Wii allows students to show their true feelings by creating a Mii. Students can relax doing yoga, release angry tension playing tennis, learn to focus & follow directions while playing Just Dance. Students even can be rewarded with a game promoting activity for meeting their personal goals!
There are so many uses for the Wii in counseling. Here is a short list:
Wii learn more about Mii (personal, divorce)
Wii open up to talk about problems (personal)
Wii learn friendship skills (getting along)
Wii listen & follow directions (ADHD)
Wii release anger & tension (anger management)
Wii understand rules (Behavior problems)
Wii use good sportsmanship (name calling)
Wii learn teamwork (cooperative learning)
Wii learn to set goals (academic skills)
Wii cess Recess (rewards)
We raised $400 to purchase a Wii system for the LES school counseling program!