February Learners of the Pride
Congratulations to our February Learners of the Pride! LES Learners of the Pride are chosen from each homeroom because they exhibit the International Baccalaureate Attributes and Attitudes. This past month we focused on IB Attributes: Courage & Caring; as well as IB Attitudes:Tolerance & Empathy. These students were selected because they are willing to make mistakes and try new things. They show sensitivity towards differences and diversity in the world and respect others as they try to understand.
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students got to enjoy lunch and conversation with Palmetto State Teachers' Association Craig King! He lobbies for our students' education. He was happy to share how he has to be courageous and understanding when talking to our law-makers and when volunteering at Camp Chemo. We appreciate Mr. King for taking time to speak with Lexington Elementary students!